White Graphene Ltd

Elevating performance, inspiring innovation


The combination of excellent impermeability, high chemical and thermal stability, and electrical insulation, makes BNNS (also known as white graphene) an excellent filler for corrosion protection.


BNNS (also known as white graphene) is impermeable to all molecules including moisture, hydrogen and helium gases.

Structural Materials

As ballistic materials, BN nanomaterials have high tensile strength and are potential candidates for use in composites, coatings, and other structural applications.

Thermal Management

BN nanomaterials have high thermal conductivity and are potential candidates for use in thermal management applications such as heat sinks, thermal interface materials, and coatings.

Our Revolutionary New
BNNT Applications

High Performance Batteries
Faster charging, superior battery life, next generation batteries for mobile phones, drones, computers, cars, planes, marine, space, defenced.
Electronic Thermal Packaging
Improved disbursement of heat in computer chips and electronic components for smaller faster computer-based products.
3D Metal Printing
Enhanced metal alloys and composites with incredible mechanical properties for industrial, military and aerospace applications.
Transparent Armour
Stronger, lighter, transparent ballistic materials for security and defence applications and industrial safety.
Reinforced Polymers
A new class of polymers with amazing strength and flexibility while also resistant to higher temperatures. Unlimited applications.
Stronger Ceramics
A new class of ceramic products with greater hardness and resistance to heat. Improved bearings, brakes and high-temperature surface resistance in automotive, aviation, aeronautical and defence.